Thursday, 6 December 2012

Journal Entry One

It’s only been one day after the ship has sank I worked myself out an uneasy living arrangement. I can tell the little boy Pi slowly try’s to “train” me until he's more less the master of the lifeboat. Me and Pi start to get along, he does not bother me I don’t bother him. The only ones that are left on this boat are Pi and a menagerie of animals: a zebra, a hyena, and an orangutan. The animals and Pi, are packed into a 26-foot-long lifeboat, there is definitely going to be some bloodshed. I can tell the boy, the animals and even myself are starting to get hungry.  Before you know it the vicious and stupid hyena slowly eats alive the zebra, as if the thing was not in pain already. The hyena kills the zebra and the orangutan. I start to take matters into my own hands; I did a smart but quick kill, one that Pi did not even notice. I have killed the hyena.

                                                                 All animals on the boat 

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